Here at Zoomination, we believe that a company’s brand should stay on 100% of the time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Because we know that for your business to remain seated at the top of your clients’ minds – you need to show up and let yourself be seen.
What was Henry Ford famous for saying?
“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.”
Time goes on, just as advertising must go on. You would not believe the amount of businesses we have seen flocking to build their websites, purely because this year has forced many businesses to work from home. Out of their clients’ sight. When your customers stop seeing you, they stop thinking about you! So, what can your brand afford to lose by advertising? The answer’s nothing! Here’s three ways you can get started in the next month…

If you’re going to set up a foothold in the online space from which customers can readily get in touch with you – you need a website. And no, not one built by a university student somewhere to help pay off his student loans– we mean built and designed to bring your company results. The results you want determine what kind of website you need. If you want to have customers mill through your site at their own pace – build a 1-3 page Rotational Website. If you want to sell a specific product or service? Invest in a splash page! Ask yourself what your needs are and build accordingly, just make sure you pick the right company to do it for you.

Where do your potential customers gather and do stuff? Chances are, if you know your client-base, you have a basic idea on where they browse to find stuff online. So why not put yourself online? Make posts about interesting stuff in your industry! Did you finish a job somewhere? Post photos of your work online. You will be surprised what kind of following you can generate with interesting facts and consistency for years.
Here’s where it gets technical, and you may need someone’s help. Once you have built a website and logged some hours in on Facebook, Instagram (wherever your business is online) – Enlist the help of someone to direct traffic to your website! We find that Facebook is great for businesses (cost effective if done right, and nothing gives you better analytics on why your advert worked or not.)
Do this for a handful of years and you will find your business ranking higher on search engines (Google rewards your website for more traffic views etc.) and will have developed your company’s strongest asset… Your brand. Simple in theory – now it’s time for practice.
What can you do today to make your brand brilliant?