What is it about us that drives us to look forward to gathering with people? Creating an event is one of the best ways to sell things. We’re not going to tell you that it’s easy (it takes a strong plan!) – but we will tell you that once you get it right – it works!
There’s a magic to having a voice of authority in a crowded room… We human beings actively look forward to events, as a way to meet new people, as a way to change our own lives and lastly, to attend what’s considered an unforgettable experience.
Why not host your own one – and give people unforgettable experiences?
Now you might be thinking: “What qualifies me to hold my own event/workshop/seminar?”
We like to believe that if you know there are questions out there that…
- You know you can answer,
- Have answered before
- And seen the results of…
If you have helped others before – an event only serves to help more people at once.
And there’s a few key factors why it’s a great vessel for helping people en masse:
#1 – You are in control
If you are hosting the event, you have the wonderful opportunity to create a “show” for your guests. You can control who learns what at specific times and as such, can create an experience where one person walks into your event and walks out, changed completely.
#2 – The Date carries Weight
When there’s a clear date, there’s a before/after moment. You can create something that your customer may say: “Well, I used this think like this before your event, but now that you’ve taught me that – I’ll never look at business the same way!”
The classic “before and after moment” positions your client to look at this moment and ask themselves, “did I take the right action that day?”
#3 – The Client Is Right There!
With all your potential customers in the room, it’s the best opportunity you’ll get to understand where they come from. What kind of questions do they typically have, when engaging with businesses like yourself? Do they have fears they’d like to get over, when it comes to your industry?
Often, we find businesses sell what they want to sell, and don’t base their products on what customers want to buy – which is fine, if you’re APPLE – but frustrating, if you want a steady profit margin yearlong.
#4 – Bonus: You Have a Variety of Events To Hold
Your business can create events where anything can happen – and people can start to get excited around your business – because you make it so!
Here’s a handful of different ways you can do this:
- Product and Service “Reveals”
What stops you from making live announcements for new products and new services as you invent them? There is something amazing about creating hype among your followers, regular listeners, and community contributors. If you discovered a new way to help them, why not get them excited for it?
What you can do this week about this: Self-Assessment
– Assess your products. Is there a new way you can position them, or improve on them?
– How does each level of your customer service look? Can a tweak here and there change the entire experience somebody has with you?
Great platforms you can use to do this:
– Facebook (Live videos do great)
– Zoom (The package you choose lets you have 100-500 attendees) - Live QnA’s
Are there burning questions your customers have for your industry? Do you know? Often, we wait for when our customer is sitting right in front of us, to answer their questions. But how often do we answer their questions (and give value) before they even meet us?
Presenting yourself as somebody to whom people can turn to for answers – this is value. And your followers will appreciate value when they see it!
What you can do this week to make this happen: Research
– Identify the questions potential customers have whenever they engage with any company in your industry.
– Think about platforms your customers would use to tune in to listen to you.
Great platforms you can use to do this:
– Facebook
– YouTube
– Zoom
- Educational Seminars
Do you like to party? Well, think of a seminar as a party. There’s obviously the host (you) who invites the guests (your interested attendees) to share an experience together. The great thing about planning your own seminar is that you get to set the mood, how excited your guests get to be and the pacing of what they learn – and they won’t forget it was you that taught them.
We come back to the question:
What is it about us that drives us to look forward to gathering with people?

At Zoomination, we understand that humans are wired for connection. Business events present an opportunity to share experiences together, and if you do it right, you can have the best chance to connect with your customers and as a side effect, generate more sales.