90% of our time-related problems stem from an inability to say: “No.” or take “No” for an answer. Somewhere along the process of your day, you may run out of time. It got in the way. Whatever you set out to achieve in a short space of 8 hours didn’t get achieved… And why not?
You’re capable at what you do, right? You’ve been appointed to achieve the tasks and mandates set out by the long-term goals you’d like to make happen…
At Zoomination, we see how careers and businesses suffer alike because of a lack of awareness around our personal hang-ups.
We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, so we listen intently to their story, as our next sales call beckons to be engaged… Or we stop trying to serve a client, purely because we’re afraid of the bigger “no” at the end of us overcoming their objection – cutting their initial smokescreen short to spare ourselves.
Perhaps we simply dislike disappointing people?
And the best way to unpack this, is by asking ourselves a few questions…
- What don’t I like about saying “no”?
Ask yourself the question:
Are you normally late for meetings? Do you do impulsive things? Does undue pressure seem to spring up around deadlines that otherwise could’ve been managed a week in advance?Whether you suck at saying no to other people, or yourself… It’s important to describe the feelings you get inside, and take note of it…
… and then accept it. And acceptance is not complacency – Your behaviors and habits require a little bit of acceptance before you can start to improve in them.
- Do I suck at hearing “no?”
What don’t you like about hearing “no?”
It’s important to take into account – we naturally don’t like the idea of being socially outcasted. Someone disliking us? Ugh! But if you genuinely believe you portrayed your intentions, requests and presentation in a way that’s aligned with your values… And you get rejected.. perhaps that person isn’t someone you would have wanted to associate with anyway? - Is “no” even something to worry about?
In a world where you can choose loved ones that will accept you, no matter what, you have to ask:
“If I can come home to these people at the end of the day, will the rejections I face, or dish out, matter in the long run?” Rejection is something you can learn to disconnect from, given specific contexts. Being accepted at home, and being willing to face rejection in the open world are two different skillsets entirely – context matters.
If you work with sales, we can understand that while consistent rejection DOES hurt in the working environment…
When you can separate your workspace from your home space, the foundation you create for yourself will increase your threshold for rejection – and potential for potential wins down the line.