ONLINE MAGIC3 Milestones To Hit, As You Start Up Your Own Newsletter / Mailing ListONLINE MAGICOnline Magic1.2kTime to dig into a bit of theory. Starting with the question: “Are your customers coming from a reliable place?”...
ONLINE MAGICIs Running A Podcast for You?ONLINE MAGICOnline MagicPodcastsRunning a Podcast772You’re a paper-towel-roll-taped-to-a-microphone away from starting your voice-recording-based empire. The problem is… Do you know what you’re getting into? South...
ONLINE MAGICOnline Marketing is Humming a TuneONLINE MAGICMarketing & AdvertisingOnline MagicOnline Marketing724(And getting someone to hum it with you)“Raindrops keep falling on my head” (thank you Spider-Man 2) We think online...
ONLINE MAGICZoomination Uncovers Copy-Writing SecretsONLINE MAGICCopy-WritingCopy-Writing SecretGood sales WritingOnline Magic593Copy writing? You’ve heard of it, but what is it? It has many names – sales writing – sales copy...
ONLINE MAGICThe Problem With Running Specials (And How To Fix It)ONLINE MAGICOnline MagicRunning SpecialsSpecials466What if everything you sold became a commodity, right now? That’s right, like livestock, metals, energy, corns, wheat or rice…...
ONLINE MAGICInstagram Reels – The New Frontier For Your Business.ONLINE MAGICInstagramInstagram ReelsOnline Magic369Did you know there’s a storm brewing?Recently, Adam Mosseri (head of Instagram), made the announcement that Instagram is deliberately changing...
ONLINE MAGICAn Alternative Look At Online MarketingONLINE MAGICAdvertisingOnline MagicOnline Marketing278What if online marketing wasn’t about the sales? We find that business owners (South African ones) focus too heavily on...
ONLINE MAGICThe 1 Thing You Need to Make Your Adverts “Readable”, and Everything Before ThatONLINE MAGICAdvert IdeasAdvertsOnline Magic277What? Did you say you want to make money from your ads online? You want to create online advert campaigns...
ONLINE MAGICWhy You Want To Host WebinarsONLINE MAGICHosting WebinarsOnline MagicWebinars270Have you heard of the breakout new method of advertising that brings customers onboard like never before? This week, we...
ONLINE MAGICSPLASH PAGES: The top 3 things that you’ll notice when you use oneONLINE MAGICOnline MagicSplash Pages239Spend enough time with us on and you’ll begin to find that new terms and ideas start to sprout...