Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Contact Number (required)
Your Business Name
Why did you join this FREE Business training?
What did you expect to learn?
What have you learned out of it?
Have you ever invested in someone to help you achieve these goals?
Do you have an investment into your business mentality or a save money mentality?
Have you ever joined a business training program (live or online)?
If you could think of a reason to NOT join Zoomination, what would that be?
Did covid hurt your business and if so, how?
Do you use your website to get customers?
Do you have a marketing one page website?
How do you currently get customers?
What does it cost you to find a customer?
What is your payback period per customer?
What percentage of your turnover is dedicated to getting new clients?
If Andrew could help you grow and build a better, stronger and more profitable business, would want that?
And lastly, what is the ideal results you’d like achieved in your business?
Would you be interested in: Joining Zoomination?Building a dynamic Sales Page?Getting personal coaching?Zoomination Business Opportunity